úterý 11. prosince 2012


There's no important to write something about these.
Me - live my dream with a MERCYILESS.

Thanks a lot to guy who takes these photos.

čtvrtek 6. prosince 2012

Winter looking

These pictures show myself in colder part of the year. On a first is a little bit shadow...
 ...second shows second feelings. I don't like winter very well, cause I have a strange mood - maybe it calls stressful before Christmas... maybe.

pondělí 3. prosince 2012

Witch live (MERCYILESS)

Well, there's more people who visited this page... Thank you.!
This is the video from my band's concert. =)
Good we? (I'm sorry, this sentence is from my language, in czech it is: Dobře my?) :D

čtvrtek 22. listopadu 2012

First concert in Ostrava! (Czech republic)

I would like to invite you to our band MERCYILESS 's gig...
...it's 1. December at 7 pm in rock club CHLÍV in Ostrava-Poruba.
Entry: 30 Kč

If I'll see you there, who read this, it makes me totally happy.!
I'm so curious, not nerve... I'm looking forward to this event. It will be our evening and we'll make you proud!


Ráda bych vás pozvala na koncert naší kapely MERCYILESS, který se uskuteční...
...1. prosince v ostravském klubu CHLÍV, 19:00
Vstup: 30 Kč

Jestli vás tam, kdo čtete tyhle řádky uvidím, budu neuvěřitelně šťastná.!
Jsem zvědavá, ne nervózní... Na tuto událost se těším. Bude to náš večer, budeme si vás hýčkat!

pondělí 5. listopadu 2012

V - What I breath


In the air what I take a breath,
is something what I don't need.
Is it one of your lungs content?
Maybe yes, my lips are not mistaken.

Is this any little dream?
My legs don't feel any piece of green.
Can I let your hands hold me?
Is that really? Reality?

Passion, mention, only minds,
I say yes to all you clarify,
clarify by your hands,
pieces of my heart blazed.

Is it only a vanity?
Can I have possibility?
Do you give me all your sense?
I take a breath you, not someone else.

                                                                                                         Katie Kyklop

neděle 21. října 2012

úterý 16. října 2012

I can't remember on hamster's name

Have you ever memory loss? The beautiful hamster on my leg in this photo is mine. It lives in a gold cage in my green room and sometimes makes a noise. So, after a long party from Saturday to Sunday I can't remember what's its name...
Scratch on my head and think about it.
Is this possible? - Well, it doesn't matter about its name like a people...

At the end I want to write that I'll be cleaning a wood, cause I hate a rubbish what is there.
(at least a bit for animals if I am so forgetful)

pátek 12. října 2012

Full colour

čtvrtek 4. října 2012


  I'd like to tell you that my friend is Wizard. Well, I wanted writing Witch cause it's more magical, but there're more minds in my head. The word 'witch' is like one no tangible pole what we can to hold. I looked at music's group (where he play the drums) photo. They stand in front of grey wall and there's behind the door burning fire. Boy with blond up to light ginger hair with mossy-blue eyes stand on the left. He's shining so much. It was a contrast with his black, slight white stripes shirt, the wall and his hair. His famous, fantastic, pure hair. Do you know Harry Potter? He looks like Ron Weasley. Really, with his blonde lashes and light eyebrows, scary wide dark pupils.
  It's raining outside. There's a cold what penetrate through windows to my hands. Imagine, if I'd have taking the photo on myself, will see the same picture what's in my head? In witch's head are lots of doctors "Strangeluvs" who let down what she's doing. Don't believe? It's time to describe you "easy-find witches". They're hair, eyebrows, lashes, lips (sometimes teeth) look like whatever what isn't like nature. Do you know   already? Yeah, some girls and women in this world!
More pretty and sensible are witches "undiscovered". You can't see them so easy, if you're want it so more, it's possible. Them's curious appearance is what you can't see often... But he look magic crazy - sex appeal are two correct words - reflect off dark wall and say: "Don't see me, my private is on my side." His eyes say truth all the time. And it's more for sure, maybe Ron can conjuring very well, but he's staying beside real and making the same. I see.
Real kiss - real bliss.

neděle 30. září 2012

Pass grass

sobota 22. září 2012

One discovery

If you're in love, 
it doesn't matter anything...

These two sentences are right for this moment and every moment in this time. I won't fall of from peak, where I am now.
In love.

pondělí 10. září 2012

A last chance

At the end this week I am propably going crazy.
-I'll see my "surprise - friend" (Surprise no. ... Trips),
-before it I must finish book. When I'll post here something about it, I hope it will be in bookshops...
-...take a care about my plant. Ok, that's a bad slang :)

If you're trying to love somebody and although you're in love with someone else, it's...high. I can't to decide.

And why I've written this?
-You'll see at the end...of week.

:] :[

sobota 18. srpna 2012


Good job!
That's all what I want to say now... :]

pondělí 13. srpna 2012

First public GIG / První veřejné vystoupení

He saw my face,                                                                                    And then we went,
when I was eating the fruit.                                                                     to the other side.
He imagined,                                                                                         I made his trousers,
that's his body part...                                                                             wet inside...

...Ok, I know, it's provocative and a little bit deviant. But it's a chorus from song BANANA'S SKIN. There's a one of sexual songs. I'm lyricist and I'm not ashamed of my experienced - I like it. But we have a less songs with subtext like this. For example: Song HERO is about addictive substances and my friend, in a song DON'T HIDE I apology of mistakes I made in a past...

That's crazy, but it makes me happy - invite you to FIRST PUBLIC CONCERT FROM MERCYILESS!
                                 17.8.2012 Soběšovice (near Žermanice's dam)
                                                                 8:30 pm

I'm looking forward to see all of you, who read it!
Have a good time, bye.


...Dobře, vím, že je to trochu provokativní a malinko úchylné. Ale je to refrén písně BANANA'S SKIN.
To je jedna z těch 'sexuálních'. Jsem textařka a nestydím se za své zážitky - líbí se mi. Ale máme takových songů méně. Na příklad: Píseň HERO je o návykových látkách a mém kamarádovi, v písni DON'T HIDE se omlouvám za své chyby, které jsem napáchala v minulosti.

Je to šílené, ale jsem za to ráda - zvu Vás na PRVNÍ VEŘEJNÝ KONCERT KAPELY MERCYILESS!
                                  17.8.2012 Soběšovice (nedaleko Žermanické přehrady)
Těším se na Vás všechny, kdo to čtete!
Mějte se fajn, čau.

středa 4. července 2012

Nature in views


Well, I have a very good mood today... That's why I posted this photo here.
It's me. I'm very very looking forward to...! ...it's secret yet (as this before you see it)

pondělí 25. června 2012

Concert from band MERCILESS

We played at friday 22 in musical school for our guitarist good mark from guitar lesson. They're our three songs: Banana's skin, Don't hide and Never stop.
Actually we search a drummer from Czech republic who has drums and wants to play with us.!
Good night for this time!

středa 20. června 2012

úterý 12. června 2012


We've played together since 2010, but we did nothing. Now we're back, still alive, have some new songs and, of course, some new photos. We're getting ready to play in some concerts and festivals and recording ome demo songs. There is one on bandzone, what care about our guitar player Marek. :)


úterý 8. května 2012


So, I speak english, a little bit german and swedish, but I was born in czech republic - czech is my language. I write fan fictions on my first blog: www.katiekyklop.blog.cz only in czech. If you're czech speakers too, can read them there. :)
This blog I will use for next time, too. Don't forget to look here! :)

Katie's idea: Mechanik (Mandrage)

This one is second of my ideas. I thought it will be shorter, but if I like something, it doesn't matter how long it is.

Katie's idea: Už mě víckrát neuvidíš (Mandrage)

Once upon time I sat in a chair and using a computer. I got an idea to do remix of some song... I liked part in a start in this one. I recorded it and now it's complete. Hope, you'll like it. There are some mistakes, I'm not professional..

pátek 4. května 2012


Seriously, do I look like I'm making plans for something crazy...? ...Maybe a little bit... =)

čtvrtek 5. dubna 2012

Mannequin XVI:

T H E I R  B A G G A G E

Mannequin XV:

S H O W  T I M E

Mannequin XIV:

L E T  M E  B E

The page looklet.com has a malfunction, so I adjusted the picture in a different way. I'll adjust the next pictures like this.

Mannequin XIII:

W A T E R  S U P R I S E

Mannequin XII:

S C I N C E  G O E S  O N

Mannequin XI:

S A L L Y' S  S E A S I D E

Mannequin X:

P U N K' S  D E S I R E

Mannequin IX:

O F F I C E  P A R T

Mannequin VIII:

N I G H T  W I F E

Mannequin VII:

M I N D' S  G I V E S

Mannequin VI:

M A I N  D A I L Y

Mannequin V:

C H A N G E D  M E M O R I E S

Mannequin IV:

F O R E S T  L A N E

Mannequin III:

D R Y  T R E E S

úterý 20. března 2012

Where did you come again?

I'm having so much time now. Maybe, I'll walk for some vegetable or a fruit, cause my temperature is high. I want fresh flowers from spring garden, what I haven't. Something from my secret minds - really strange views. Me and my friend. We are in the same city, but I'm at home. Does she know, that she's here?

neděle 18. března 2012

Jam with...

...Mandrage in Brno:
I sang and played the keyboard with these unrivalled people in stage. My sister and boyfriend watched me all this time, almost. :)
This video shot one nice girl from them's team.

středa 14. března 2012

Digitální děti (Mandrage) by me and Veva

This was my first video project. You can see me in blue T-shirt on the screen, how I make some strange and funny things and minds, which are in the song. And...  You can't see my best friend, who shoot it.
Have a fun!

Rasta braids

Rasta braids are perfect hairstyle for everyone who wants to look more than a little bit eccentricity. They're suitable for all seasons. You can go to swimming-pool, or to the sea, but sea salt isn't good for head skin - it itches (better wash under pure water, then).

You can knit on yourself (or with your friends) at home, or at the hairdresser, or go to someone, who offers these services with improvers or some additions...

They endure 2-4 months, then you can to unbraid, or let them freely entangle for dreadlocks. Braids don't damage your hair so much. Hair could improve for half year after unbraiding (it depend on your haur-quality, too).

Some day I got an idea to knit rasta braids from my long hair. I started to knite and I added colourful strings. Kniting took 2 weeks in total. At the end braids looked really fantastic. I wore them 2 months and then I made dreadlocks. There's some photos...

Old times...

...is coming too slow, I can't hide,
but now it's only memory,
what can show me,
what for i want to hide.

Spring 2011: I'm jumping into a screen right now

The last is my favourite photo, cause I like running on this meadow in the morning, mostly in summer, when it isn't heat.