neděle 30. září 2012

Pass grass

sobota 22. září 2012

One discovery

If you're in love, 
it doesn't matter anything...

These two sentences are right for this moment and every moment in this time. I won't fall of from peak, where I am now.
In love.

pondělí 10. září 2012

A last chance

At the end this week I am propably going crazy.
-I'll see my "surprise - friend" (Surprise no. ... Trips),
-before it I must finish book. When I'll post here something about it, I hope it will be in bookshops...
-...take a care about my plant. Ok, that's a bad slang :)

If you're trying to love somebody and although you're in love with someone else, it's...high. I can't to decide.

And why I've written this?
-You'll see at the end...of week.

:] :[