neděle 26. května 2013

Just a gig again..

We can see each other here:

More info here:

I like singing when you're listening to... By the way, this gig is mine event, so I'd want to make everyone exciting and fascinate. Lots of the best feelings sometimes are from the small experience or in a piece of glass could be all beauty what is in the window.
Come and see.

čtvrtek 16. května 2013

Only for... writing

When you're writing, you gradually hand over your soul. At least you hide it into skein what you give in position to look on it for a pen and paper. Writing has own tax like another type of actions. But this is only on you if you want to pay it. Hurtfullnes of your hand could be nothing against the feeling of balance and the cure of minds in. Suddenly you haven't fhe another possibility to lock youself between a paper and a pen. Fantasy is waking up for senses of life and you have feeling that everything is only feeling what you can feel - win or loose, and the emotions in your head are yours and yours only. You put your palm and start to catch a rainwater what traveled by the cycle of nature and while you hear burbeling of waterfall and calm of flowing brook there, the water was in time for all colours of your own actual emotions, like a chain. All kind of colours are in each other bellow and estrange from each other. It's never ending bable like possibilities and it depend only on us how we will be feeling ain one moment, cause we are different... But we aren't robots, that's why we sometimes go wrong, only if we want to try, and for this could be helpful the writing. When happy voice in us makes a sound, we catch its desire and intesity too and as a tape we imagine the paper. Then it only wants to record. When I'm opening my soul, I' mean my or from someone else and I love feeling of fusion. It's like a firework of tastes of apple in tongue, like a singing songs from birds in the evening's shadow and like a moisturiser touch the hot water on cold skin... Fusion is when words runny on a tongue like a honey, when the sentences make them real and never-end interwievs whats go from our hearts. And this is writing too. The writing of our time and own future or it's more pied - common. Writing doesn't only give, it takes too. It takes out an energy what coul be suitable for whatever... For example to minds suitable for writing.

pondělí 13. května 2013

Feeling of the loosing

In the first moment you have something in your hand, in the second moment you have only feeling of loosing.
You ask yourself what/who you lost and then you have a new feeling: No energy for something to do.
Let's stay straight and honest:  
Did you own anywhen anything? We can not own people, things, anything. And special punchline of this article is comming now.
People wants to own the other people simultanelously people wants to be "private property" from someone else, because they are lazy to make their own "life path" and go on that. Be careful on this lifestyle disease.
But people can and want to share. All beautiful faces can "fly" from the first moment they cry, to the second moment - smile. Misunderstanding is reason of loosing. People isn't what they truly are. 
Be guiding light what you are from the start and don't forget to communicate with the each other.